River Murray Water Quality Monitoring Program
Phytoplankton and physico-chemical monitoring along the River Murray were established in 1978 under the River Murray Water Quality Monitoring Program (RMWQMP). The phytoplankton... -
Murray-Darling Basin waterbird survey
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s water bird survey is an annual survey of waterbird populations and recruitment at 38 important wetland and river sites in the Murray-Darling... -
Basin-Wide Environmental Watering Strategy Regions for Vegetation Outcomes
Regions used to summarise area of water-dependent native vegetation in the Basin-wide environmental watering strategy (MDBA 2014) for the Murray-Darling Basin. -
Murray-Darling Basin Water Resource Plan Areas – Groundwater
This dataset defines the boundaries of the 19 groundwater water resource plan areas (WRPAs) for the Murray-Darling Basin. 2 of the groundwater water resource plan areas have... -
Murray Darling Basin Boundary - Water Act 2007
The boundary of the Murray-Darling Basin as defined in Section 4 (1) of the Water Act 2007. The boundary was derived from the dataset that is titled "Australia’s River Basins... -
River Murray Flood Mapping (1956 flood boundary)
River Murray Flood Mapping shows the extent of flooding based on historical records and some associated information (e.g. flood depth contours and levels) captured by two... -
Transitional Groundwater Resource Plans
These datasets show the boundaries of transitional groundwater resource plans as listed in Schedule 4 of the Water Act 2007. -
Sustainable Rivers Audit 2 Valley and Zone Spatial Layers
The Sustainable Rivers Audit (SRA) Valley and Zone Spatial layers map the 23 valley and 68 zone definitions used in the Murray-Darling Basin SRA Report 2 river health... -
Murray-Darling Basin - Northern and Southern Basin
Regions defined in Schedule 6 of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan 2012 as (a) the Northern Basin region, which includes all rivers in the Basin upstream of the upstream extent of... -
Hydrologic Indicator Sites
These points represent the 124 hydrologic indicator sites chosen to cover specified environmental objectives and targets, environmental water requirements or environmental... -
Murray-Darling Basin Water Resource Plan Areas – Surface Water
The Basin Plan's management arrangements will be implemented at a local scale through water resource plans prepared by the Basin states for accreditation by the Commonwealth... -
Groundwater SDL Resource Units
This dataset defines the boundaries of the 80 groundwater SDL resource units in the Murray-Darling Basin described in Schedule 4 of the Basin Plan. These include 11 groundwater... -
Murray-Darling Basin managed floodplain
The managed floodplain includes an area where floodplain vegetation can be influenced with the 2750 GL of environmental water and it includes: • actively managed areas that can... -
Murray-Darling Basin Fish and Macroinvertebrate Survey
MDBA Fish and Macroinvertebrate Survey data 2004 to 2022 (Implementation Periods 1 to 17). An Access 2013 version database in relational form including all controlled... -
Surface Water SDL Resource Units
The surface water sustainable diversion limit (SDL) resource unit dataset defines the boundary of 29 surface water SDL areas in the Basin Plan 2012.The SDLs represent the... -
Water Quality Zones
The dataset shows MDB Water Quality Regions / Zones as at March 2010. The dataset has been derived from the SRA Valley Zones as created by Sustainable Rivers Audit (SRA) program... -
Wetlands GIS of the Murray-Darling Basin Series 2.0
The purpose of the Wetlands GIS of the Murray-Darling Basin project was to map the maximum extent of wetlands within a ten year period (1983-1993) based on the presence of... -
The Living Murray Fish data
The Living Murray (TLM) Fish data is from 2007 to 2012. The data include use of controlled vocabulary for fish taxonomy, occurrence, age, size and recruitment of fish caught and... -
Murray-Darling Basin Tree Stand Condition Assessment Tool
The stand condition of river red gums, black box and coolibah have been identified as objectives to measure the progress towards achieving outcomes of the Murray-Darling Basin... -
Waterbird data for the Basin Plan Evaluation 2020
Overview The aerial waterbird survey (AWS) analysis that underpinned the Basin Plan Evaluation 2020 drew predominately on annual aerial survey data across 38 key wetlands across...