2016 SoE Biodiversity Total wetland area index, Eastern Australian Waterbird...
Data from the Eastern Australian Waterbird & Wetland Survey program (UNSW) - specifically, the total wetland area index from 1983 to 2015. The annual Eastern Australian... -
Proportion of important sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity...
This dataset provides percentage of the mean proportion of Key Biological Areas (KBA) that are protected for their environmental values – in both terrestrial ecosystems and... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Eastern Australian Waterbird Survey results (1983 to 2015)
Data from the Eastern Australian Waterbird & Wetland Survey, 1983 to 2015 - specifically, (1) the number of waterbirds; (2) waterbird breeding abundance (i.e. the count of... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Area of indigenous, government owned, jointly held and...
Data on the area of Indigenous, government, jointly held and private protected areas in Australia's National Reserve System. This data was sourced from the Collaborative... -
Australia’s total official development assistance for biodiversity...
The official development assistance (ODA) on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems is defined as Gross disbursements of total ODA from all donors for... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Most important knowledge gaps hindering effective...
Key knowledge gaps hindering effective management of biodiversity (in Australia) according to a survey of Ecological Society of Australia members. In December 2015, Ecological... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Number of fauna species listed under the EPBC Act in...
Data showing the number of fauna species listed under the EPBC Act, in 2011 and 2015. Data has been sourced from the SPRAT database (Australian Government Department of the... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity WWF-Australia's estimates of how well area-based...
Analysed data on how well area-based targets for the protection of terrestrial ecosystems have been me. Dataset sourced from Taylor, MFJ (2016) Building Nature’s Safety Net... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Pressures affecting species listed as threatened...
Data showing the key pressures affecting nationally threatened species (as recognised under the EPBC Act). Data has been sourced from the Species Profile and Threats Database,... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Numbers of Curlew sandpipers in southeast Tasmania, 1973 - 2016
Data showing numbers of curlew sandpipers in southeast Tasmania, 1973 - 2016. This dataset has been sourced from Birdlife Tasmania (formerly Bird Observer's Association of... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Number of plant species listed under the EPBC Act in...
Data showing the number of plant species listed under the EPBC Act, in 2011 and 2015. Data has been sourced from the SPRAT database (Australian Government Department of the... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Net changes in the number of EPBC listed species since 2000
Data showing net changes in the number of species listed under the EPBC Act. This data was sourced from the Species Profile and Threats Database, Australian Government... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity First time forest clearing and re-clearing in...
Data showing deforestation trends in Australia, between 1973 and 2014. Data provided by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy. For further... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Funding for TERN, the ALA and IMOS between 2009-10 and 2015-16
Funding for TERN, ALA and IMOS between 2009/10 and 2015/16. Data sourced from the Australian Government Department of the Environment & Energy's Portfolio Budget Statements,... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Funding for ABRS and Bush Blitz, 2009/10 to 2015/16
Based on the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy data. See Portfolio Budget Statements (2009 -2016) available at:... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Expenditure by the Australian Government Department of...
Expenditure by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy on climate change research programs, 2012–13 to 2015–16, plus forward estimates. This data was... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity The distribution of freshwater fish species identifed...
Map showing the distribution of freshwater fish species which have been identified as 'potentially vulnerable' in Australia. Underpinning data provided by Matt Le Feuvre of the... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Distribution of nationally threatened ecological communities
Data on the distribution of EPBC Act listed ecological communities across Australia. Underpinning data sourced from the Ecological Communities of National Environmental... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity Percentage increase in number of records to 2015
Map showing the number of records in the Atlas of Living Australia by IBRA region in 2015. For further information see the Atlas of Living Australia website. Underpinning data... -
2016 SoE Biodiversity The condition of Australian rivers
Map showing the condition of Australian rivers, with '1' being the most pristine and '8' the most disturbed catchments. Underpinning data provided by Matt Le Feuvre of the...