Murray Darling Basin Boundary - Water Act 2007
The boundary of the Murray-Darling Basin as defined in Section 4 (1) of the Water Act 2007. The boundary was derived from the dataset that is titled "Australia’s River Basins... -
River Murray Flood Mapping (1956 flood boundary)
River Murray Flood Mapping shows the extent of flooding based on historical records and some associated information (e.g. flood depth contours and levels) captured by two... -
Transitional Groundwater Resource Plans
These datasets show the boundaries of transitional groundwater resource plans as listed in Schedule 4 of the Water Act 2007. -
Murray-Darling Basin - Northern and Southern Basin
Regions defined in Schedule 6 of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan 2012 as (a) the Northern Basin region, which includes all rivers in the Basin upstream of the upstream extent of... -
Hydrologic Indicator Sites
These points represent the 124 hydrologic indicator sites chosen to cover specified environmental objectives and targets, environmental water requirements or environmental...