(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest hospital by car during 2031 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest hospital by public transport...
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Congestion on major roads during 2016 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Congestion on major roads during 2031 PM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Crowding on trams/light rail during 2031 PM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Crowding on suburban trains during 2031 PM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest five childcare centres by public...
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest public secondary school by...
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest public primary school by public...
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Crowding on suburban trains during 2016 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Percentage of all jobs within a city accessible in 30 minutes...
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Crowding on suburban trains during 2031 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Congestion on major roads during 2031 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest five childcare centres by car...
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Outer Urban PT) Percentage of population within walking distance to...
This is part of analysis from Outer Urban Public Transport, which was released in October 2018. This layer presents the proportion of people within walking distance to high-... -
(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest five childcare centres by car...
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest public secondary school by car...
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Crowding on trams/light rail during 2016 PM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest public primary school by car...
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Outer Urban PT) Public transport travel times during 2017 weekday AM peak
This is part of analysis from Outer Urban Public Transport, which was released in October 2018. This layer presents travel times, by public transport during AM peak, to a series...