IMOS - ABOS Facility Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) Subantarctic Zone...
Sediment traps (IMOS platform code:SAZOTS) are cones which intercept and store falling marine particles in collection cups. The particles consist of a range of material... -
Argo float : a platform of the IMOS Argo Australia Facility
Argo floats have revolutionised our understanding of the broad scale structure of the oceans to 2000 m depth. In the past 10 years more high resolution hydrographic profiles... -
ANFOG - Slocum glider deployment in Western Australia off the coast of...
The dataset contains temperature, salinity and turbidity data measured by a Slocum glider off the coast of Kimberley (Western Australia). Slocum glider data from the oceans... -
ANFOG - Slocum glider deployment in Western Australia off the coast of...
The dataset contains temperature, salinity and turbidity data measured by a Slocum glider off the coast of Kimberley (Western Australia). Note that this deployment doesn't... -
ANFOG - Slocum glider deployment in Western Australia off the coast of...
The dataset contains temperature, salinity and turbidity data measured by a Slocum glider off the coast of Kimberley (Western Australia). Slocum glider data from the oceans... -
ANFOG - Slocum glider deployment in Western Australia off the coast of...
The dataset contains temperature, salinity and biological parameters including dissolved oxygen and turbidity data measured by a Slocum glider off the coast of Kimberley... -
ANFOG - Slocum glider deployment in Western Australia off the coast of...
The dataset contains temperature, salinity and turbidity data measured by a Slocum glider off the coast of Kimberley (Western Australia). Slocum glider data from the oceans... -
ANFOG - Slocum glider deployment in Western Australia off the coast of...
The dataset contains temperature, and turbidity data measured by a Slocum glider off the coast of Kimberley (Western Australia). Salinity and conductivity data collected on this...