IMOS - South-East Queensland 400m (SEQ400) Mooring Platform
The South-East Queensland 400m mooring (IMOS platform code SEQ400) is part of the East Australian Current (EAC) array. It was initially deployed on the 24/03/2012 at (27.33 S,... -
IMOS - South-East Queensland 200m (SEQ200) Mooring Platform
The South-East Queensland 200m mooring (IMOS platform code SEQ200) is part of the East Australian Current (EAC) array. It was initially deployed on the 25/03/2012 at (27.34 S,... -
IMOS SOOP-Temperate Merchant Vessel (TMV) sub-facility
Enhancement of Measurements on Ships of Opportunity (SOOP)-Temperate Merchant Vessel (TMV) subfacility maintains an autonomous marine monitoring system on the Spirit of Tasmania... -
IMOS - ABOS Deepwater Arrays (DA) Sub-facility
The Deepwater Arrays (DA) sub-facility targets observations of deep ocean currents and properties needed to monitor and understand the role of the ocean on climate and climate...