Water quality, plume modelling and tracking before and during dredging in Mermaid Sound, Dampier W.A.
A water quality monitoring program established to coincide with the Mermaid Sound dredging projects in 2004 for assessed turbidity, suspended sediments and other parameters... -
Oxygen-isotope records, age-model results and sedimentation rates of core MD88-787
Core MD88-787 was recovered during the French ASPARA IV cruise in 1988, aboard the Marion Dufresne. The core was located on the Tasman Fracture Zone of the Mid-Ocean Ridge,... -
Oxygen-isotope records, age-model results and sedimentation rates of core MD88-784
Core MD88-784 was recovered during the French ASPARA IV cruise in 1988, aboard the Marion Dufresne. The core was located on the Tasman Fracture Zone of the Mid-Ocean Ridge,... -
Oxygen-isotope records, age-model results and sedimentation rates of core MD88-779
Core MD88-779 was taken during the 1988 French ASPARA IV cruise in the South East Indian Ocean aboard the Marion DuFresne. The core was situated on the South Tasman Rise...