Water Quality, River Discharge and Remote Sensing Data Base (RRMMP, JCU)
The exposure of Great Barrier Reef coral reef and seagrass ecosystems to contaminants is estimated from the synthesis of: river discharge, water quality data sampled in inshore... -
Water quality, plume modelling and tracking before and during dredging in Mermaid Sound, Dampier W.A.
A water quality monitoring program established to coincide with the Mermaid Sound dredging projects in 2004 for assessed turbidity, suspended sediments and other parameters... -
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 4.5 - Mucous sheet production in Porites spp. and links to sediment, Western Australia
Data will be in the form of a report, which will be a secured (printable, non-editable), searchable, Portable Document Format (PDF) showing the results of the analyses. -
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 4.4 - Defining Thresholds and Indicators of Coral Response to Dredging Related Pressures - SEA SIM LAB EXPERIMENTS, Western Australia
Data will be in the form of a report, which will be a secured (printable, non-editable), searchable, Portable Document Format (PDF) showing the results of the analyses. -
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 4.2.4 - Defining Thresholds and Indicators of Coral Response to Dredging Related Pressures - DEPOSITION SENSOR, Western Australia
Data will be in the form of a report, which will be a secured (printable, non-editable), searchable, Portable Document Format (PDF) showing the results of the analyses. -
WAMSI 2 - Dredging Node - Project 4.2.3 - Defining Thresholds and Indicators of Coral Response to Dredging Related Pressures - MODELLING, Western Australia
Data will be in the form of a report, which will be a secured (printable, non-editable), searchable, Portable Document Format (PDF) showing the results of the analyses. -
The role of copper in facilitating the invasion of sessile marine invertebrate communities by pests: effects of copper pulse frequency in established assemblages
Disturbance events are thought to provide an opportunity for the colonisation and establishment of invasive species. Contamination of coastal waters with copper from sewage... -
The role of copper in facilitating the invasion of sessile marine invertebrate communities by pests: effects of copper pulse frequency in developing assemblages
Disturbance events are thought to provide an opportunity for the colonisation and establishment of invasive species. Contamination of coastal waters with copper from sewage... -
The Phytoplankton Ecology of Wilson Inlet, Western Australia - Phytoplankton Dynamics
Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, irradiance, ammonium, nitrate, total nitrogen, phosphate, total phosphorus, silica, gilvin, chlorophyll a and phytoplankton samples were... -
The Phytoplankton Ecology of Wilson Inlet, Western Australia - Nitrogen Uptake
The phytoplankton uptake rates of ammonium, nitrate and urea on monthly, seasonal and annual time scales in Wilson Inlet were measured. In addition, it was determined whether... -
The effects of copper antifouling paints and marinas on the ecology of marine sessile epifaunal assemblages
This thesis has used a field based approach to assess the effects of copper liberated from antifouling paints on sessile epifaunal (or fouling) assemblages in southeastern... -
Short-Lived Radium Isotopes and Hydrodynamic Surface Water Modelling in the Surface Layer of Cockburn Sound W.A.
In late winter 2003, early summer 2003, late summer 2004, and mid-winter 2004 water samples were taken for radium isotope analysis which was combined with modelling to determine... -
Shade-induced Response and Recovery of the Seagrass Posidonia sinuosa
A number of physiological, morphological and growth characteristics (photosynthetic photon flux density, sediment redox potential, sediment nutrients, shoot density and biomass,... -
'Seabase' - Marine environmental monitoring data
'Seabase' is a fully relational on-line database which holds all the PLOOM (Perth Long-Term Ocean Outlet Monitoring), SDOOL (Sepia Depression Ocean Landline) and Bunbury Ocean... -
Responses of the seagrass Posidonia sinuosa to light availability - Summary
Data on Posidonia sinuosa characteristics across a depth related gradient in long-term light availability were collected from Warnbro and Cockburn Sound, W.A. from 2002 to 2004.... -
Radium Isotopes Reveal Seasonal Groundwater Inputs to Cockburn Sound, Western Australia
The mass balance and activity ratios of naturally occuring radium (Ra) isotopes (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, 228Ra) were investigated in Cockburn Sound, W.A. to further understand... -
Phytoplankton in Cockburn Sound from 1977-1978 (Hardcopy)
Phytoplankton samples were collected from two sites in Cockburn Sound at weekly intervals for a total of 51 weeks over the period July 1977 to August 1978 for identification and... -
Phytoplankton dynamics in a seasonal estuary - Swan River Estuary, Western Australia
To examine how phytoplankton biomass and species' successions are influenced by multiple variables in the Swan River estuary, the four primary phytoplankton groups were modelled... -
Physiological Characteristics of the Seagrass Posidonia sinuosa along a Depth-Related Gradient of Light Availability
Rapid light curve-derived parameters, light harvesting pigments, photoprotective pigments as well as nutrient and carbohydrate concentrations were measured for Posidonia sinuosa... -
Peel-Harvey Estuarine System Overview
A CD-ROM and webpage were created to consolidate information and data about the Peel-Harvey Estuarine System in south-western Australia. The CD-ROM has an ISBN: 0-86905-791-X....