IMOS - Australian Bluewater Observing System (ABOS) Facility
The Australian Bluewater Observing System (ABOS) Facility provides the coordination of national efforts in the sustained observation of open ocean properties with particular... -
IMOS - ABOS Deepwater Arrays (DA) Sub-facility, Indonesian Throughflow array, Timor Sill (ITFTSL) Mooring Platform
The Timor Sill deepwater mooring was first deployed on 2011-06-13 at (9.28 S, 127.36 E) in the Indonesian Throughflow. Instrumentation includes 150 kHz and 75kHz ADCPs, Seabird... -
IMOS - ABOS Deepwater Arrays (DA) Sub-facility, Indonesian Throughflow array, Timor North (ITFTIN) Mooring Platform
The Timor North deepwater mooring was first deployed on 2011-06-14 at (8.86 S, 127.20 E) in the Indonesian Throughflow. Instrumentation includes 150 kHz and 75kHz ADCPs, Seabird... -
IMOS - ABOS Deepwater Arrays (DA) Sub-facility, Indonesian Throughflow array, Ombai (ITFOMB) Mooring Platform
The Ombai deepwater mooring was first deployed on 2011-06-19 at (8.53 S, 125.09 E) in the Indonesian Throughflow. Instrumentation includes 150 kHz and 75kHz ADCPs, Seabird... -
IMOS - ABOS Deepwater Arrays (DA) Sub-facility
The Deepwater Arrays (DA) sub-facility targets observations of deep ocean currents and properties needed to monitor and understand the role of the ocean on climate and climate...