Estimated Resident Population by Country of birth and by age groups
The estimated resident population (ERP) is the official measure of the Australian population. This dataset contains annual ERP by country of birth, age and sex at the Australia... -
Apparent Consumption of Alcohol, Australia
This publication provides estimates of apparent consumption of alcohol based on the availability of alcoholic beverages in Australia. It provides estimates of the quantity of... -
Estimated Resident Population by Country of Birth, by State
The estimated resident population (ERP) is the official measure of the Australian population. This dataset contains annual ERP by country of birth, age and sex at the Australia... -
Net Interstate Migration, Financial years
Net interstate migration (NIM) is the difference between the number of persons who have changed their place of usual residence by moving into a given state or territory and the... -
Population clock component data
This dataset contains data used in determining the ABS Population Clock. The data is annual data updated quarterly, and is based on past component data published in Australian... -
ERP by SA2 (ASGS 2011)
Estimated Resident Population (ERP) is the official measure of the Australian population. ERP for sub-state regions (including SA2s and LGAs) is published annually, with a... -
Housing Finance
Statistics on Housing Finance Commitments (Owner Occupation) by Purpose excludes alterations and additions. Housing Finance statistics by lender includes refinancing across... -
Consumer Price Index (CPI) 17th Series
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures quarterly changes in the price of a 'basket' of goods and services which account for a high proportion of expenditure by the CPI... -
International Trade Export Price Index
This dataset presents indexes measuring changes in the prices of exports of merchandise that are shipped from Australia each quarter (the Export Price Index). -
International Trade Import Price Index
This dataset presents indexes measuring changes in the prices of imports of merchandise that are shipped from Australia each quarter (the Import Price Index). -
Merchandise Imports ($ Thousand)
Australia's international merchandise trade statistics record goods which add to or subtract from the stock of material resources of Australia by entering (imports) or leaving... -
Merchandise Exports - ($ Thousand)
Australia's international merchandise trade statistics record goods which add to or subtract from the stock of material resources of Australia by entering (imports) or leaving... -
Building Approvals by Statistical Area (SA2) and above
The monthly Building Approvals (BAPS) collection collects data relating to residential and non-residential building work above certain value limits that have been approved... -
Ballarat Council Buildings Accessibility
Ratings on accessibility of buildings for wheelchair users. These ratings are in high demand by certain community groups wanting to choose venues suitable for all their members.... -
Ballarat Childcare Centres
Long day care centres primarily cater for children from birth to school age. They open at least eight hours a day, five days a week and 48 weeks a year. The services are... -
AIMS Weather Station Data - Cape Bowling Green Platform Historical Air...
This data set was collected by weather sensors deployed on the AIMS Weather Station site Cape Bowling Green. Instrumentation was deployed for measuring Air Temperature from 09... -
Wind Speed and Direction for Davies Reef - 1993
This metadata record covers a subset of the data collected during dredging by the Townsville Port Authority in Cleveland Bay in 1993. Data are divided into a number of main... -
Wind Speed and Direction data sets for Townsville Port - 1993
This metadata record covers a subset of the data collected during dredging by the Townsville Port Authority in Cleveland Bay in 1993. Data are divided into a number of main... -
Wind Speed and Direction data sets for Townsville Airport - 1993
This metadata record covers a subset of the data collected during dredging by the Townsville Port Authority in Cleveland Bay in 1993. Data are divided into a number of main... -
Wind Speed and Direction data sets for Myrmidon Reef - 1993
This metadata record covers a subset of the data collected during dredging by the Townsville Port Authority in Cleveland Bay in 1993. Data are divided into a number of main...