Australian Dryland Salinity Assessment Spatial Data (1:2,500,000) – NLWRA 2001
The maps represent a compilation of dryland salinity risk and hazard mapping for 2000, 2020 and 2050. The map shows the broad distribution of areas considered as having either a... -
Catchment scale Land Use of Australia - Commodities - September 2017
This dataset has been superseded. An updated version of this dataset is available from the ABARES website. This dataset is the first national compilation of catchment scale... -
Australian Irrigation Areas (Vector), Version 1A, National Land and Water...
This data set shows designated and actual irrigation areas in Australia compiled by the National Land Use Mapping Project of the National Land and Water Resources Audit to... -
Farmer Population, 1996
The geography of this dataset is Australian Statistical Local Area (SLA). This data relates to the farmer population for each SL as reported in the 1996 Population and Housing... -
New South Wales – Dryland Salinity Assessment 2000 – Assessmet of Dryland...
The data shows areas of dryland salinity risk in 2020 in the Murray-Darling Basin within NSW and coastal NSW catchments.Areas of risk are based on groundwater levels and air... -
New South Wales – Dryland Salinity Assessment 2000 – Assessmet of Dryland...
The data shows areas of dryland salinity risk in 2000 in the Murray-Darling Basin within NSW and coastal NSW catchments.Areas of risk are based on groundwater levels and air... -
Elevation of the Pre-Tertiary Basement in the Murray Basin
ABARES has tried to make the information in this product as accurate as possible. However, it does not guarantee that the information is totally accurate or completed.... -
Farm family Cash Income, 1996-1997 to 1998-1999 (three year average)
This data relates to the average annual cash income of broadacre and dairy farm properties which responded to the ABARE annual farm survey over a three year period from... -
Tenure of Australia's forests (2018)
This dataset has been superseded by the Tenure of Australia's forests (2023). For further information please see: https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/tenure-of-australia-s-... -
Higher Qualifications of Farmers and Farm Managers, 1996
The geography of this dataset is Australian Statistical Local Area (SLA). This data relates to members of the population who classified themselves as having an occupation of... -
Annual Family Income, 1996-1997 to 1998-1999 (Three Year Average)
This data relates to the average annual family income of broadacre and dairy farm properties which responded to the ABARE annual farm survey over a three year period from 1996... -
Farms with significant degradation problems (irrigation salinity), 1998-1999
This data relates to the proportion of farms who experienced significant irrigation salinity problems in the period 1998-1999. Proportion of farms with significant irrigation... -
Cropping Management Practices, 1998-1999
This data relates to the proportion of cropping farms which employed conservation, tillage, direct drilling or traditional cultivation methods in the period 1998-1999. The... -
Australian Agricultural Environments (AAE) 2012
18 Australian Agricultural Environments (AAEs) developed by ABARES to stratify survey collection and analysis for the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Land Management... -
Major Water Resources Infrastructure (Part of the Australian Water Resources...
Contains the spatial location of Water Availability Dams (storages) and their unique identifiers and names.These locations and attributes were entered into a database by each... -
Catchment Scale Land Use Mapping for Western Australia 2018
Updated September 2021 to include land use tiles. These tiles address issues with analysis of the large single dataset. This vector dataset is a compilation of land use data for... -
Boreholes in the Murray Basin, Southeastern Australia
ABARES has tried to make the information in this product as accurate as possible. However, it does not guarantee that the information is totally accurate or completed.... -
Farms with Significant Degradation Problems (Soil Acidity), 1998-1999
This data relates to the proportion of farms who experienced significant soil acidity problems in the period 1998-1999. Proportion of farms with significant soil acidity is... -
Statistical Local Areas 1996 for Agricultural Structure Classification
Analyses and classifications of demographic, farm financial and household statistics as indicators of of agricultural structural change in Australia between 1986-1996. Data is... -
Equivalent Fresh Water Head Difference Between the Shallowest and Deepest Aquifers
ABARES has tried to make the information in this product as accurate as possible. However, it does not guarantee that the information is totally accurate or completed....