Tenure of Australia's forests (2013) v2.0
This dataset has been superseded by the Tenure of Australia's forests (2023). For further information please see: https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/tenure-of-australia-s-... -
Pest animal and Weed Management Survey: National landholder survey results
Overview Established pests and weeds represent a high ongoing cost to Australian agriculture. The Australian Government has invested $50 million through the Australian... -
Fishery status reports 2016
Fishery status reports 2016 provides an independent evaluation of the biological and economic status of fish stocks managed solely or jointly by the Australian Government. This... -
About My Region - Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the Northern...
ABARES has produced profiles of the agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries for the Northern Territory and the Greater Darwin region. Based on the regional boundaries... -
Fishery status reports 2017
Fishery status reports 2017 provides an independent evaluation of the biological and economic status of fish stocks managed solely or jointly by the Australian Government. This... -
Australia's Forestry Industry 2017
Australia's Forestry Industry 2017 map provides a detailed snapshot of the forest industry, including the location of major wood processing facilities, native forest tenure,... -
Australian water markets report 2016-17
The Australian water markets report 2016-17 presents detailed information on Australian water markets for the 2016-17 financial year, including statistics on water access... -
A model of water trade and irrigation activity in the southern Murray-Darling Basin
Overview This paper presents a new econometric partial equilibrium model of water trade and irrigation activity within the southern Murray-Darling Basin (sMDB). The model...