Register of Native Title Claims
The Register of Native Title Claims is kept by the Native Title Registrar pursuant to s 185 of the NTA to hold information on claimant applications that have satisfied the... -
Registered Native Title Body Corporate (RNTBC) Areas
RNTBCs (Registered Native Title Bodies Corporate) are corporations which have prescribed functions under the Native Title Act 1993 (NTA) to hold, protect and manage determined... -
A "representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander body" (RATSIB) is a body recognised by the Commonwealth under s 203AD of the NTA to represent native title holders and... -
Schedule of Native Title Determination Applications
The Schedule of Native Title Determination Applications is kept by the Native Title Registrar pursuant to s 98A(1) of the NTA and contains information on all applications made... -
Indigenous Land Use Agreements
An "indigenous land use agreement" (ILUA) is a voluntary, legally binding agreement about the use and management of land or waters, made between one or more native title groups... -
Native Title Determination Outcomes
An approved determination of native title is made by way of an order of the court pursuant to ss 86, 87 or 87A of the NTA or s 23 of the Federal Court of Australia Act 1976... -
Native Title Determinations
A "determination of native title" is a decision on whether native title exists in relation to a particular area of land or waters (s 225 of the NTA). Determinations of native... -
City of Greater Bendigo : Environment - Trees
Urban street and park trees within the City of Greater Bendigo -
City of Greater Bendigo : Assets - Roads
Road Centrelines within the City of Greater Bendigo -
City of Greater Bendigo : Garbage Collection Zones
Waste collection zones within the City of Greater Bendigo, including garbage, recycling, organics and commercial collection -
City of Greater Bendigo : Road Closures
Road closures within the City of Greater Bendigo -
(Audit 2019) Crowding on buses during 2031 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Crowding on buses during 2016 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Congestion on all roads during 2016 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Percentage of all jobs within a city accessible in 30 minutes by public transport during 2016 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Outer Urban PT) Public transport services per hour during 2017 weekend off peak
This is part of analysis from Outer Urban Public Transport, which was released in October 2018. This layer presents public transport stop frequency during weekend off peak... -
(Audit 2019) Percentage of all jobs within a city accessible in 30 minutes by public transport during 2031 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Audit 2019) Average travel time to nearest public primary school by public transport during 2031 AM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019.... -
(Outer Urban PT) Inner, middle and outer sector boundaries
This is part of analysis from Outer Urban Public Transport, which was released in October 2018. This layer represents the geographical extent of the inner, middle, and outer... -
(Audit 2019) Crowding on buses during 2031 PM peak
This layer is part of strategic transport modelling undertaken for Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion, a supplementary report of the Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019....