Narrabeen Beach Survey Data
Narrabeen Beach, NSW. Monthly beach profiles have been conducted at Narrabeen Beach since April 1976 and are continuing. The profiles are located at 5 sites along the 3.6km long... -
Historical aerial photographs of Australia's coastline
Hard-copy black & white / colour aerial photographs were obtained by Hugh Kirkman from a variety of sources for many locations along Australia's coastline. There are 24... -
Geometry and grain-size sorting of ripples on low-energy sandy beaches:...
Ripple height, length and sediment composition were measured in the nearshore of several low-energy beaches with concurrent measurements of incident waves. The distribution of... -
Distribution of nearshore bedforms and effects on sand suspension on...
Field measurements of bed morphologies, hydrodynamics and sediment suspension were made on 15 low energy (Hsig < 0.50 m) micro-tidal sheltered sandy beaches in SW Australia. -
Bedform Migration and Sediment Dynamics in the Nearshore of a Low-Energy...
Simultaneous time series measurements of waves, currents, sediment suspension and ripple crest positions were obtained from the nearshore of a micro-tidal low energy beach in... -
Unpublished Australian Beach Safety and Management Database Program (ABSAMP)
The database contains geographical and physical information about all the Australian open coast beaches, as well as some of the larger bays around the coastline. The database is...