Water quality, plume modelling and tracking before and during dredging in...
A water quality monitoring program established to coincide with the Mermaid Sound dredging projects in 2004 for assessed turbidity, suspended sediments and other parameters... -
WAMSI Node 3.2.2c - Spatial variation in algal-herbivore interactions on the...
This study was nested in sub-project 3.2.2 “Ecosystem impacts of human usage and the effectiveness of zoning for the biodiversity conservation” in Node 3.2. The focus of this... -
Survey data collected from Core E53-10, located on the edge of the South Tasman rise
Most globally linked climatic records dealing with continuous longterm change are derived from the ocean sea-floors where sedimentation of microplankton is accumulated on a time... -
Shade-induced Response and Recovery of the Seagrass Posidonia sinuosa
A number of physiological, morphological and growth characteristics (photosynthetic photon flux density, sediment redox potential, sediment nutrients, shoot density and biomass,... -
Raw counts of diatom species in 18 surface samples collected during the...
Diatom distributions in the polar regions have been attributed to physical and biological processes. To contribute to an existing diatom database (Pichon et al. 1992), 18... -
Phytoplankton dynamics in a seasonal estuary - Swan River Estuary, Western Australia
To examine how phytoplankton biomass and species' successions are influenced by multiple variables in the Swan River estuary, the four primary phytoplankton groups were modelled... -
Physiological Characteristics of the Seagrass Posidonia sinuosa along a...
Rapid light curve-derived parameters, light harvesting pigments, photoprotective pigments as well as nutrient and carbohydrate concentrations were measured for Posidonia sinuosa... -
Peel-Harvey Estuary Samphire Marshes Data
This study was undertaken to examine the ecology and extent of saltmarshes of the Peel-Harvey. The extent and composition of the samphire saltmarshes was investigated over the... -
Oxygen-isotope records, age-model results and sedimentation rates of core MD88-787
Core MD88-787 was recovered during the French ASPARA IV cruise in 1988, aboard the Marion Dufresne. The core was located on the Tasman Fracture Zone of the Mid-Ocean Ridge,... -
Oxygen-isotope records, age-model results and sedimentation rates of core MD88-784
Core MD88-784 was recovered during the French ASPARA IV cruise in 1988, aboard the Marion Dufresne. The core was located on the Tasman Fracture Zone of the Mid-Ocean Ridge,... -
Oxygen-isotope records, age-model results and sedimentation rates of core MD88-779
Core MD88-779 was taken during the 1988 French ASPARA IV cruise in the South East Indian Ocean aboard the Marion DuFresne. The core was situated on the South Tasman Rise... -
Morphological Characteristics of the Seagrass Posidonia sinuosa along a...
Morphological and growth characteristics of the meadow-forming seagrass Posidonia sinuosa, were measured along a depth-related gradient of light to infer its response to long-... -
IMOS - ABOS Facility Southern Ocean Time Series (SOTS) Subantarctic Zone...
Sediment traps (IMOS platform code:SAZOTS) are cones which intercept and store falling marine particles in collection cups. The particles consist of a range of material... -
Historical February / September sea-ice concentration and annual sea-ice...
Variations in microfossil records in sediments over time are used as proxies for changes in the ocean. One important record determined from microfossils is sea-ice cover which... -
Historical February Sea-Surface Temperature Estimates Utilising Diatom...
The purpose of this study was to estimate past sea-surface temperature in the Southeast Indian Ocean. The accumulation of diatom microplankton assemblages in sediments being the... -
Historical February Sea-Surface Temperature Estimates Utilising Diatom...
The purpose of this study was to estimate past sea-surface temperature in the Southeast Indian Ocean. The accumulation of diatom microplankton assemblages in sediments being the... -
Historical August Sea-Surface Temperature Estimates Utilising a Diatom...
The purpose of this study was to estimate past sea-surface temperature in the Southeast Indian Ocean. The accumulation of diatom microplankton assemblages in sediments being the... -
FRDC (2001/060) 'Characterising the fish habitats of the Recherche...
The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project (FRDC) No. 2001/060 characterised and identified the distribution of the different benthic habitats of the Recherche... -
FRDC (2001/060) 'Characterising the fish habitats of the Recherche...
The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Project (FRDC) No. 2001/060 characterised and identified the distribution of the different benthic habitats of the Recherche... -
Effects of Reduced Light Availability on Carbon and Nitrogen Translocation...
The influence of shading on the translocation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in Posidonia sinuosa plants was investigated from December 2004 to January 2005 in Cockburn Sound by...