Saline Wastewater Outfall Pipeline (SWOP) infaunal monitoring program near 90 Mile Beach, Victoria
This data was collected to assess the impact of a saline wastewater discharge outlet from a power station that commenced discharging in mid 1983. Infaunal samples were collected... -
Responses of Bugula neritina, an arborescent bryozoan to the removal of growing tips: short term patterns of regeneration.
In colonial organisms, physical damage or predation can result in the loss of part of the colony. Although the colony may survive, the loss of part of the colony may alter... -
Responses of Bugula neritina, an arborescent bryozoan, to the removal of growing tips at different locations within the colony
For colonial organisms physical damage or predation can result in the loss of part of the colony. Although the colony may survive, the loss of part of the colony may alter... -
Recovery of the encrusting bryozoan, Parasmittina delicatula, from damage at Flinders, Victoria.
Parasmittina delicatula colonies were located on the Flinders pier in early 1999 and assigned to a small size class (10-15mm) or large size class (30mm or more). Each colony was... -
Latrobe Valley Ocean Outfall (LVOO) infaunal monitoring program near 90 Mile Beach, Victoria
The LVOO outfall was commissioned in 1992 to discharge a mixed effluent of domestic sewage and industrial wastewaters, including pulp mill effluent and formation water from... -
Effects of periodic trampling on the abundance of mobile animals within Hormosira banksii dominated rocky intertidal communities
This study assesses the effects of trampling on Hormosira banksii dominated rocky intertidal algal beds within Point Nepean National Park over six summers between 1991 and 1996.... -
Effects of introduced species on the recruitment of sessile invertebrates.
This experiment was conducted to determine if an established Botryllus schlosseri colony affected the recruitment of sessile invertebrates. Small perspex plates that had been in... -
Effects of introduced sessile invertebrates: removal experiments.
Three removal experiments were conducted to test the effects of the introduced species, Bugula neritina, Ascidiella aspersa and Botryllus schlosseri on sessile invertebrate... -
Ecological effects of introduced sessile marine invertebrates.
Manipulative field experiments were used to investigate the effects of the ascidians Botryllus schlosseri and Ascidiella aspersa and the bryozoan Bugula neritina on sessile... -
Denitrification measurements of sediments using cores and chambers: comparison of fluxes and denitrification efficiencies
Denitrification is a microbial process that takes place on and within sediment and results in the transformation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to nitrogen gas (N2), which is... -
Comparing the effects of an introduced and native species of bryozoan
An experiment was conducted to compare the effects of the introduced bryozoan, Bugula neritina, and the native bryozoan, Bugula dentata, on sessile invertebrate assemblages.... -
An investigation of hypothesis testing and power analysis in impact assessment, using case studies of marine infauna.
This thesis used several BACI-style statistical tests for impact (MBACI and BACI-style planned comparisons) and examined the statistical power of the tests using infaunal data...