Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)
IMOS is designed to be a fully-integrated, national system, observing at ocean-basin and regional scales, and covering physical, chemical and biological variables. IMOS... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Pilbara 50m (PIL050) Mooring Platform
The Pilbara 50m mooring (IMOS platform code PIL050) is part of the Pilbara array. It was initially deployed on the 21/02/2012 at (20.13 S, 116.67 E). The site depth is 54.1m.... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Pilbara 200m (PIL200) Mooring Platform
The Pilbara 200m mooring (IMOS platform code PIL200) is part of the Pilbara array. It was initially deployed on the 20/02/2012 at (19.47 S, 116.16 E). The site depth is 200m.... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia Palm Passage (GBRPPS) Mooring
The QLD Palm Passage Mooring (IMOS Platform Code: GBRPPS) is one of two moorings, offshore from Townsville in Queensland, Australia at Latitude: -18.310, Longitude: 147.163. The... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia One Tree East (GBROTE) Mooring
The QLD One Tree East Mooring (IMOS Platform Code: GBROTE) is one of three moorings near Heron Island, and one of five moorings offshore from Gladstone in Queensland, Australia... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia Myrmidon Reef (GBRMYR) Mooring
The QLD Myrmidon Reef Mooring (IMOS Platform Code: GBRMYR) is one of two moorings, offshore from Townsville in Queensland, Australia at Latitude: -23.513, Longitude: 151.955.... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia Lizard Island Slope (GBRLSL) Mooring
The QLD Lizard Island Slope Mooring (IMOS Platform Code: GBRLSL) is one of two moorings near Lizard Island, offshore from Cape York in Queensland, Australia at Latitude:... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia Lizard Island Shelf (GBRLSH) Mooring
The QLD Lizard Island Shelf Mooring (IMOS Platform Code: GBRLSH) is one of two moorings near Lizard Island, offshore from Cape York in Queensland, Australia at Latitude:... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Kimberley 50m (KIM050)...
The Kimberley 50m mooring (IMOS platform code KIM050) is part of the Kimberley array. It was initially deployed on the 21/10/2011 at (16.46 S, 122.38 E). The site depth is 54m.... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Kimberley 400m (KIM400)...
The Kimberley 400m mooring (IMOS platform code KIM400) is part of the Kimberley array. It was initially deployed on the 03/02/2012 at (15.93 S, 123.55 E). The site depth is... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Kimberley 200m (KIM200)...
The Kimberley 200m mooring (IMOS platform code KIM200) is part of the Kimberley array. It was initially deployed on the 02/02/2012 at (15.76 S, 122.86 E). The site depth is... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Kimberley 100m (KIM100)...
The Kimberley 100m mooring (IMOS platform code KIM100) is part of the Kimberley array. It was initially deployed on the 01/02/2012 at (15.69 S, 121.96 E). The site depth is 95m.... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia Heron Island South (GBRHIS) Mooring
The QLD Heron Island South Mooring (IMOS Platform Code: GBRHIS) is one of three moorings near Heron Island, and one of five moorings offshore from Gladstone in Queensland,... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia Heron Island North (GBRHIN) Mooring
The QLD Heron Island North Mooring (IMOS Platform Code: GBRHIN) is one of three moorings near Heron Island, and one of five moorings offshore from Gladstone in Queensland,... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia Elusive Reef (GBRELR) Mooring
The QLD Elusive Reef Mooring (IMOS Platform Code: GBRELR) is one of five moorings, offshore from Gladstone in Queensland, Australia at Latitude: -21.030, Longitude: 152.879. The... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia Capricorn Channel (GBRCCH) Mooring
The QLD Capricorn Channel Mooring (IMOS Platform Code: GBRCCH) is one of five moorings, offshore from Gladstone in Queensland, Australia at Latitude: -22.408, Longitude:... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Indonesian Throughflow array,...
The Timor South mooring (IMOS platform code ITFTIS) was most recently deployed on 30/05/2011 at (9.82 S, 127.55 E). The site depth is 469 m. It is one of four regional shelf... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Indonesian Throughflow array,...
The Margaret Harries Banks mooring (IMOS platform code ITFMHB) was most recently deployed on 30/05/2011 at (11.00 S, 128.00 E). The site depth is 147 m. It is one of four... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Indonesian Throughflow array,...
The Joseph Bonaparte Gulf mooring (IMOS platform code ITFJBG) was most recently deployed on 24/05/2011 at (13.61 S, 128.97 E). The water depth is 61m. It is one of four regional... -
IMOS - ANMN Queensland and Northern Australia, Indonesian Throughflow array,...
The Flat Top Banks mooring (IMOS platform code ITFFTB) was most recently deployed on 31/05/2011 at (12.29 S, 128.48 E). The site depth is 107 m. It is one of four regional shelf...