IMOS SOOP-XBT Upper Ocean Thermal Data collected on the line PX3 (Coral Sea)
This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE line PX3 in the Coral Sea. The data were obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed via the vessel... -
IMOS SOOP-XBT Upper Ocean Thermal Data collected on the line PX2 (across the...
Temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect PX2 across the Banda Sea (Flores Sea - Torres Strait) has been collected since 1983 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated... -
IMOS SOOP-XBT Upper Ocean Thermal Data collected on the line IX22-PX11 (Port...
Temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect IX22/PX11 from Port Hedland to Japan has been collected since 1983 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated approximately 12 times... -
IMOS SOOP-XBT Upper Ocean Thermal Data collected on the line IX22...
This dataset contains temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect IX22 from Fremantle to Flores Sea. The data are obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed vie... -
IMOS SOOP-XBT Upper Ocean Thermal Data collected on the high density line...
Temperature data from the TOGA/WOCE transect PX30/31 across the Pacific Ocean has been collected since 1991 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated approximately 4 times a... -
IMOS SOOP-XBT Upper Ocean Thermal Data collected in the Tasman Sea
This dataset contains temperature data obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed by vessels during different cruises in the Tasman Sea. Expendable... -
IMOS SOOP-XBT Upper Ocean Thermal Data collected during a cruise between...
This dataset contains temperature data obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed during a cruise between Sydney and Noumea (New Caledonia). -
IMOS - SOOP Underway pCO2 System Overview
The CSIRO Ship of Opportunity Underway pCO2 system is mounted on the Research Vessel Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) of the Australian Marine National Facility. CO2... -
IMOS SOOP-Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Sub-facility
The Sea Surface Temperature (SST) sub-facility aims to enable accurate, quality controlled, SST data to be supplied in near real-time (within 24 hours) from SOOPs and research... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage ST032008
This data was collected in August 2008 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage ST022009
This data was collected in July and August 2009 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage ST022008
This data was collected in June 2008 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage ST022008.... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage ST012009
This data was collected in January 2009 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage ST012008
This data was collected in April 2008 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage ST012008.... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage...
This data was collected in May/June 2011 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage...
This data was collected in June 2011 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage...
This data was collected in May 2011 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage SS2011_T01.... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage...
This data was collected in April 2011 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage SS102008
This data was collected in October 2008 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage... -
IMOS - SOOP Ocean Carbon Dioxide Data from RV Southern Surveyor voyage SS092008
This data was collected in July and August 2008 by the IMOS Ship of Opportunity Underway CO2 Measurement research group on RV Southern Surveyor (IMOS platform code: VLHJ) voyage...