OSU Buoy Group: Coastal Transition Zone (CTZ) Experiment: Oregon Shelf
Data from moorings that were in place for at least 6 months in deep water and include meteorological data, pressure records and temperature records gathered by the Oregon State... -
OSU Buoy Group: Campbell Plateau Ridge Experiment 1978-80
Data from moorings that were in place for at least 6 months in deep water and include meteorological data, pressure records and temperature records gathered by the Oregon State... -
OSU Buoy Group: Bussol Strait (Sea of Okhotsk Experiment)
Data from moorings that were in place for at least 6 months in deep water and include meteorological data, pressure records and temperature records gathered by the Oregon State... -
OSU Buoy Group: BEST (Benguela Source and Transport)
This experiment, which included inverted echo sounders and pressure gauges as well as well as current meters, was designed by World Ocean Circulation Experiment coponent ACM4.... -
OSU Buoy Group: Arlindo current meter records
Data from moorings that were in place for at least 6 months in deep water and include meteorological data, pressure records and temperature records gathered by the Oregon State... -
OSU Buoy Group: ACC Choke Point Pressure Monitoring Project
Data from moorings that were in place for at least 6 months in deep water and include meteorological data, pressure records and temperature records gathered by the Oregon State... -
OSU Buoy Group: Abrupt Topography, NE Pacific
Data from moorings that were in place for at least 6 months in deep water and include meteorological data, pressure records and temperature records gathered by the Oregon State... -
Larval fish assemblages in Coastal, Shelf and Offshore Waters of South-Western Australia
Fish larvae were sampled along a five-station transect extending from inshore (18m depth) to offshore waters (1000m depth) of the coast of South-Western Australia (see... -
IMOS - South-East Queensland 400m (SEQ400) Mooring Platform
The South-East Queensland 400m mooring (IMOS platform code SEQ400) is part of the East Australian Current (EAC) array. It was initially deployed on the 24/03/2012 at (27.33 S,... -
IMOS - South-East Queensland 200m (SEQ200) Mooring Platform
The South-East Queensland 200m mooring (IMOS platform code SEQ200) is part of the East Australian Current (EAC) array. It was initially deployed on the 25/03/2012 at (27.34 S,... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip From 13 Mar 2013 To 10 Jun 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip 6807 From 22 Sep 2017 To 24 Sep 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip 6772 From 25 Sep 2017 To 05 Oct 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip 6771 From 19 Jun 2017 To 11 Jul 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip 6759 From 14 Jul 2017 To 26 Jul 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip 6759 From 14 Jul 2017 To 20 Jul 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip 6710 From 29 May 2017 To 08 Jun 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip 6691 From 21 May 2017 To 27 May 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip 6690 From 17 May 2017 To 19 May 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors... -
IMOS SOOP Underway Data from AIMS Vessel RV Solander Trip 6687 From 09 May 2017 To 18 May 2017
'Ships of Opportunity' (SOOP) is a facility of the Australian 'Integrated Marine Observing System' (IMOS) project. This data set was collected by the SOOP sub-facility 'Sensors...