Wave action in different intertidal zones on a rocky shore in Victoria
Wave action was measured on 10 sampling occasions from April to October 1987 in the high and low intertidal zones on a rocky shore in Western Port Bay, Victoria. Forty... -
WAMSI Node 4.2.1a - Bioregional level assessments based on fishery dependent...
The Leschenault Estuary was divided into four regions; the apex, upper, middle and lower regions. Within each region four sites were sampled seasonally (except the middle region... -
WAMSI Node 4.2.1a - Bioregional level assessments based on fishery dependent...
The Peel-Harvey Estuary was divided into five regions; the Entrance Channel, Eastern Peel Inlet, Western Peel Inlet, Northern Harvey Estuary and Southern Harvey Estuary. Within... -
WAMSI Node 3.2.2c - Spatial variation in algal-herbivore interactions on the...
This study was nested in sub-project 3.2.2 “Ecosystem impacts of human usage and the effectiveness of zoning for the biodiversity conservation” in Node 3.2. The focus of this... -
Variation in the size and shape of limpets (Siphonaria diemenensis) on a...
This study examined differences in the size and shape of Siphonaria diemenensis in the high and low intertidal zones on a rocky shore in Western Port Bay, Victoria. The... -
The population dynamics of the gastropod Lepsiella vinosa on the West Head...
This study surveyed the size distribution of Lepsiella vinosa at 3 sites on the rocky shore at West Head, Victoria. Monthly or bi-monthly searchers were conducted from June 1975... -
The population biology and predatory behaviour of Lepsiella vinosa (Lamarck 1822)
The population biology of the small predatory thaid gastropod Lepsiella vinosa was investigated on the rocky shore surrounding West Head, Western Port Bay, Victoria from June... -
The influence of reef structure on the patterns and processes of Ecklonia...
The physical variables of light, water motion, reef slope and water depth were measured on topographically simple and complex reefs. These physical variables were linked to... -
The feeding ecology of the intertidal limpet, Siphonaria diemenensis at...
This study was conducted from December 1979 to December 1981 to determine the diet of Siphonaria diemenensis in the high and low intertidal zone on the rocky shore at Griffith... -
The effects of copper antifouling paints and marinas on the ecology of...
This thesis has used a field based approach to assess the effects of copper liberated from antifouling paints on sessile epifaunal (or fouling) assemblages in southeastern... -
The ecology of the two populations of the intertidal pulmonate limpet,...
The ecology of 2 populations of the limpet Siphonaria diemenensis were investigated on the rocky intertidal shore at Griffith Point, San Remo, Victoria from 1979 to 1981. One... -
The ecology and trophic role of caridean shrimps in the eelgrass community...
This study investigated the ecology of caridean shrimp in eelgrass habitats in Western Port Bay, Victoria from July 1977 to January 1980. The study sites were located on the... -
The ecology and impacts of the introduced basket clam, Corbula gibba in Port...
This thesis describes the ecology and impact of the introduced European basket clam, Corbula gibba (Olivi, 1792), in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. A bay-wide survey conducted in... -
Spatial distribution and temporal shifts in the biology of Holothuria...
Data were collected to: - i) investigate the spatial distribution and temporal changes in the biology of H.whitmaei (Bell, 1887)(from the perspective of activity, feeding and... -
Saline Wastewater Outfall Pipeline (SWOP) infaunal monitoring program near...
This data was collected to assess the impact of a saline wastewater discharge outlet from a power station that commenced discharging in mid 1983. Infaunal samples were collected... -
Responses of Bugula neritina, an arborescent bryozoan to the removal of...
In colonial organisms, physical damage or predation can result in the loss of part of the colony. Although the colony may survive, the loss of part of the colony may alter... -
Responses of Bugula neritina, an arborescent bryozoan, to the removal of...
For colonial organisms physical damage or predation can result in the loss of part of the colony. Although the colony may survive, the loss of part of the colony may alter... -
Reproductive patterns of the intertidal limpet, Siphonaria diemenensis at...
A combination of surveys and experiments were used to assess the reproductive patterns of Siphonaria diemenensis in 2 zones on the rocky shore at Griffith Point, San Remo,... -
Recovery of the encrusting bryozoan, Parasmittina delicatula, from damage at...
Parasmittina delicatula colonies were located on the Queenscliff pier in early 1999 and assigned to a small size class (10-15mm) or large size class (30mm or more). Each colony... -
Recovery of the encrusting bryozoan, Parasmittina delicatula, from damage at...
Parasmittina delicatula colonies were located on the Flinders pier in early 1999 and assigned to a small size class (10-15mm) or large size class (30mm or more). Each colony was...