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GLO AEM Model v02


The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

The dataset contains all the input files and scripts to run the regional scale analytic element model for the Gloucester subregion as described in product 2.6.2, Groundwater numerical modelling for the Gloucester subregion (Peeters et al. 2016), as well as a single instance of the model output files.

This model is run 10.000 times to provide inputs for the uncertainty analysis and the alluvial modflow models for the Avon and Karuah, also described in product 2.6.2 (Peeters et al. 2016).


Peeters L, Dawes W, Rachakonda P, Pagendam D, Singh R, Pickett T, Frery E, Marvanek S, and McVicar T (2016) Groundwater numerical modelling for the Gloucester subregion. Product 2.6.2 for the Gloucester subregion from the Northern Sydney Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia. http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/product/NSB/GLO/2.6.2.

Dataset History

The dataset has all files and scripts necessary to execute the 10.000 runs on the linux platform of the CSIRO High Performance Cluster computers. Powerpoint file 'GLO_AEM_flowchart.pptx' describes the workflow of how all the files link together and the order in which they need to be executed.

The folder 'inputs' has all the input files for the model. Part of these inputs are stochastic components of the model, which are generated through python script 'inputs/GLO_AEM_stochastic_generator.py'. This script produces the 1000 stochastic realisations of number and position of coal seams (inputs/coalseams), the major faults (inputs/majorfaults), the subseismic faults (inputs/subseismicfaults) and a single realisation of the CSG well file (GLO_AEM_wellfile.csv), which has the coordinates, coal seams intercepted and pumping schedule of the 110 CSG wells in the model. The script takes three input files: 'inputs/GLO_AEM_wellfile_xy.csv', 'inputs/GLO_AEM_MajorFaults.csv','inputs/GLO_AEM_subseismicfaultdomain.csv'.

'inputs/GLO_AEM_MajorFaults.csv' and 'inputs/GLO_AEM_subseismicfaultdomain.csv' control the geometry and position of the faults and is derived from the geological model described in product 2.1 (Frery et al 2016), dataset GLO RMS Model Depth Structure Eroded v01. File 'inputs/GLO_AEM_wellfile_xy.csv' has the coordinates of the 110 CSG wells, randomly distributed within the AGL stage 1 area (dataset AGL Gloucester Gas Project AECOM report), taking into account the existing and planned mines (dataset Gloucester digitised coal mine boundaries) and the NSW exclusion zones (dataset New South Wales 2 kilometers Residential exclusion zones).

'inputs/GLO_AEM_BasinBoundary.csv' are the lateral boundaries of the model and are derived from the geological map (dataset Geological Maps Combined for NSW).

'inputs/GLO_AEM_gwreceptors.csv' are the locations of the groundwater receptors in the weathered zone (from dataset GLO Receptors 20150828).

'inputs/GLO_AEM_mine_footprint_baseline.csv' and 'inputs/GLO_AEM_mine_footprint_crdp.csv' are the footprints of the mine pits, from dataset 'Gloucester digitised coal mine boundaries'

'inputs/GLO_AEM_mine_waterproduction_baseline.csv' and 'inputs/GLO_AEM_mine_waterproduction_crdp.csv' are the time series of pumping rates assigned to the mine footprints. These are sourced from following reports: Duralie: HydroSimulations (2014) - Stratford: Heritage Computing (2012) - Rocky Hill: Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd (2013)

'inputs/GLO_AEM_targets.csv' and 'inputs/GLO_AEM_interpol_targets.csv' are the coordinates of the output locations in the weathered zone for, respectively, communication with the alluvial groundwater models and interpolation of exceedance probability grids. These coordinates are chosen and generated by the modelling team.

The above mentioned files are the input files for the main python script, 'GLO_AEM.py', which uses the ttim package (in directory 'ttim', Bakker, 2015) to generate following files:

-'outputs/GLO_AEM_CSG_waterproduction_0000.csv': simulated water production rate CSG wells for simulation 0000

-'outputs/GLO_AEM_h_gwreceptors_baseline_0000.csv': simulated time series of drawdown at groundwater receptors under baseline for simulation 0000

-'outputs/GLO_AEM_h_gwreceptors_crdp_0000.csv': simulated time series of drawdown at groundwater receptors under CRDP for simulation 0000

-'outputs/GLO_AEM_h_gwtargets_baseline_0000.csv': simulated time series of drawdown at target locations for communication with alluvial modflow models under baseline for simulation 0000

-'outputs/GLO_AEM_h_gwtargets_crdp_0000.csv': simulated time series of drawdown at target locations for communication with alluvial modflow models under CRDP for simulation 0000

The python script reads parameter combination from 'GLO_DoE_Parameters.csv' in dataset 'GLO aem dmax v01', the 10.000 parameter combinations for the design of experiment to train the emulators.

Batch file 'GLO_AEM.q' manages running all 10.000 parameter combinations on the linux platform of the CSIRO High Performance Cluster computers.

Python script 'GLO_AEM_final_spatial_interpolation.py' is almost identical to 'GLO_AEM.py', but reads 200 randomly sampled parameter combinations of the posterior parameter combinations in file 'GLO_AEM_Posterior_interpol.csv' from dataset 'GLO aem dmax v01'. It produces following output files:

-'outputs/GLO_AEM_h_interpol_baseline_0000.csv': simulated drawdown at interpolation locations for exceedance probability grids under baseline for simulation 0000

-'outputs/GLO_AEM_h_interpol_crdp_0000.csv': simulated drawdown at interpolation locations for exceedance probability grids under CRDP for simulation 0000

Batch file 'GLO_AEM_final_spatial_interpolation.q' manages running all 10.000 parameter combinations on the linux platform of the CSIRO High Performance Cluster computers.

This dataset only contains a single set of model outputs. During the modelling for the Bioregional Assessments, 10.000 of the output files were generated.

The drawdown time series at the receptors are postprocessed with script 'GLO_AEM_postprocessing.py' (using batch file 'GLO_AEM_postprocessing.q') to generate maximum drawdown (dmax) and time to maximum drawdown (tmax) in file 'GLO_AEM_10kruns.csv' in dataset 'GLO aem dmax v01'.

Python script 'GLO_AEM_postprocessing_Qcsg.py' is used to generate the maximum CSG water production rate in file 'GLO_Qcsg_DoE.csv' in dataset 'GLO aem dmax v01'.

Python script 'GLO_AEM_interpol_postprocessing.py' is used to generate exceedance probabilities of dmax and tmax in file 'GLO_AEM_interpol_excprob.csv' in dataset 'GLO aem dmax v01'.


Frery E, Rohead-O'Brien H, Wilkes P, McVicar T, Van Niel T, Li L, Barron O, Rachakonda P, Zhang Y, Dawes W, Marvanek S, Buettikofer H, and Gresham M (2016) Observations analysis and statistical analysis and interpolation for the Gloucester subregion. Product 2.1-2.2 for the Gloucester subregion from the Northern Sydney Basin Bioregional Assessment. Department of the Environment, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, Australia. http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/product/NSB/GLO/2.1-2.2.

HydroSimulations (2014) Duralie Coal Mine extension project modification, groundwater assessment. Technical report by HydroSimulations for Duralie Coal Pty Ltd. HydroSimulations, Sydney. Viewed 25 March 2015, http://www.duraliecoal.com.au/documents/community_environment/2014_extension/Appendix%20C%20-%20Groundwater%20Assessmentt.pdf.

Heritage Computing (2012) A hydrogeological assessment in support of the Stratford Coal Project environmental impact statement. Technical report by Heritage Computing Pty Limited for Stratford Coal Pty Ltd. Heritage Computing Pty Limited, Sydney. Viewed 10 September 2013, http://www.stratfordcoal.com.au/documents/environment/eis/Appendix%20A%20-%20Groundwater%20Assessment.pdf

Rocky Hill: Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Consultants Pty Ltd (2013) Rocky Hill Coal Project groundwater assessment, Part 4 of the Specialist Consultant Studies Compendium. Technical report by Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Pty Ltd for Gloucester Coal Limited. Australasian Groundwater and Environmental Pty Ltd, Sydney. Viewed 10 September 2013, http://www.rockyhillproject.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/80604-Vol-2_Part-4-Groundwater.pdf.

Bakker M (2015) TTim. A multi-aquifer transient analytic element model. Version 0.3 Water Resources Section, Civil Engineering and Geosciences. Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands https://bintray.com/mbakker7/Groundwater/TTim/view

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) GLO AEM Model v02. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018, http://data.bioregionalassessments.gov.au/dataset/e76e05a1-3d3c-4014-a163-66a342278ea2.

Dataset Ancestors

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Title GLO AEM Model v02
Type Dataset
Language eng
Licence Restricted access. This dataset is not available for public distribution.
Data Status active
Update Frequency never
Landing Page https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/d12e13a3-da00-4375-8c48-7be38a220a88
Date Published 2018-07-10
Date Updated 2023-08-09
Contact Point
Bioregional Assessment Program
Temporal Coverage 2018-07-10 02:21:38
Geospatial Coverage POLYGON ((0 0, 0 0, 0 0, 0 0))
Jurisdiction New South Wales
Data Portal data.gov.au
Publisher/Agency Bioregional Assessment Program