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Mean transpiration in May from the plant canopy for the pre 1788 scenario

Mean annual (00) and monthly (01a|12) transpiration (mm) from the plant canopy for the period 1980-1999.Interpretation:Canopy transpiration is far more spatially variable than potential evaporation, reflecting the effects of water limitation in most areas of the continent. Both the annual mean and seasonal pattern broadly resemble the corresponding patterns for rainfall. Canopy transpiration maps have more acontrasta (relative variation) than the total evaporation or rainfall maps because transpiration is a small component of total evaporation in areas of low plant cover (the remainder being soil evaporation).The partitioning between soil evaporation and canopy transpiration in the model is determined by leaf area index.Notes: These are model-based estimates from the BiosEquil model. Results are given for the aBASEa (pre-1788) and aAGRICa (present day) conditions. The aAGRICa case includes current agricultural inputs of water from irrigation.EvapCanopy.00.Agric, EvapCanopy.01.Agric a| EvapCanopy.12.Agric a Mean annual and monthly canopy transpiration (mm) in the aAGRICa (present day) scenarioEvapCanopy.00.Base, EvapCanopy.01.Base a| EvapCanopy.12.Base a Mean annual and monthly canopy transpiration (mm) in the aBASEa (pre-1788) scenarioData is in geographics and GDA94.

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Additional Info

Field Value
Title Mean transpiration in May from the plant canopy for the pre 1788 scenario
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence notspecified
Data Status inactive
Update Frequency never
Landing Page https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/df2ac52c-ae95-4eaa-b973-0337eec1c314
Date Published 2013-05-12
Date Updated 2023-08-11
Contact Point
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences
Temporal Coverage 2013-05-12 08:15:15
Geospatial Coverage Australia
Jurisdiction Commonwealth of Australia
Data Portal data.gov.au
Publisher/Agency Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences