Location of legal assistance service providers
Location of legal assistance service providers -
Distance to legal service providers from disadvantaged suburbs
Distance to legal service providers from disadvantaged suburbs -
Disaster Events with Category Impact and Location
CSV format list of all Australian Emergency Management Knowledge Hub disaster events, including disaster category, impacts and geographic co-ordinates. -
Unpublished Snapshot of national intercountry adoption statistics
Provides de-identified data on the number of applications, files and placements for adoptions in each year (separated by country). More information about this dataset can be... -
Unpublished Register of Marriage Celebrants
Provides contact details of authorised celebrants within Australia. More information about this dataset can be found on the website of the Attorney-General's Department. -
Unpublished Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) - financial estimates
A collection of estimates provided by states and territories each quarter relating to estimated NDRRA expenditure. The dataset includes calculations of estimated future... -
Unpublished Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) - expenditure and claims - and Australian government disaster appeal payments
Data relating to payments made by the Commonwealth to states and territories through the NDRRA (formerly the Natural Disaster Relief Arrangements), as well as to state/territory... -
Unpublished International Family Matters (IFaM)
Contains data on applications made to the International Family Law Section under various international family law agreements or arrangements. More information about this dataset... -
Unpublished Indicator Reporting Information System (IRIS)
Provides de-identified client and matter information related to legal services delivered by Indigenous Legal Assistance Programme service providers More information about this... -
Unpublished DVS Volume of Use and Response
Transactional data of the Document Verification Service. This information provides the number of requests to verify different ID document types. The data includes the date, time... -
Unpublished Disaster Relief Payments (DRP) and Disaster Recovery Allowance(DRA) Activation Information
Contains data on applications made to the International Family Law Section under various international family law agreements or arrangements. -
Unpublished Disaster Recovery Payment and Disaster Recovery Allowance Management Information
Financial information on Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment and Disaster Recovery Allowance activations. -
Unpublished Disaster Assist Website
Natural disaster events that are jointly funded under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements, including information on affected local governments and category of... -
Unpublished Community Legal Services Information System (CLSIS)
Provides de-indentified client and matter related information on legal assistance services provided by community legal centres funded by the Australian Government. Available... -
Unpublished Attorney-General's Information Service (AGIS)
AGIS is an authoritative index of articles from Australian, New Zealand and Asian Pacific law journals and other scholarly professional non-legal journals. Available through a...